Our People

Clinicians and researchers

Rare Diseases NSW’s unique research-enabled model of care and translational impact are made possible by the world-class expertise and collaborative approach of our clinicians and researchers. 

Rare Diseases NSW encompasses the wealth of rare disease expertise across the Randwick Health and Innovation Precinct (RHIP), which includes UNSW Sydney, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, and South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, together with 14 medical research institutes and centres.

Click below to see the list of clinicians and researchers involved with the Rare Diseases NSW Committee, which combines the RHIP Rare Disease Network and the Sydney Children’s Hospital Rare Disease Committee.

Enabling platform

We look forward to building our team of support staff

Future aspiration

Project Manager

Future aspiration

Care coordination lead

Future aspiration

Communication Officer

Future aspiration

Education and Community Manager

Future aspiration

Research and evaluation Officer

Future aspiration

Health information and health literacy Officer

Integrated care team

The integrated care team will work across rare disease clinics to provide wholistic care to individuals and families with rare and undiagnosed diseases

Existing staff and future aspiration

Care coordination nurses

Future aspiration

General practitioners

Existing staff and and future aspiration

Allied health professionals

Future aspiration

Rare Disease Psychologists

Future aspiration

Aboriginal health workers

Future aspiration

Rare disease social workers

Future aspiration

Peer support and community advocates

Future aspiration

Community link workers (education and NDIS)